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Another One Bites the Dust
Mayani Bird Sanctuary
If you live in Maharashtra state,
one of the frequently talked about go-to destination is Maharashtra’s Valley of
Flowers. Maharashtra’s Valley of Flowers is located in Kaas Plateau of Satara
district, approximately 280 kms (5 hours by road) from Mumbai. In the months of
August-September hundreds of wild flowers and shrubs bloom for a total period
of only four to five weeks. Kaas Valley of Flowers had become a hot-spot for
nature lovers and botanists.
In September 2013, towards the
end of the monsoon season, I visited Satara and finally got to see and experience
the Kaas Valley of Flowers. Without doubt, it was a very beautiful and scenic place even if a bit over-hyped in my humble opinion. I also visited the beautiful
Thoseghar waterfalls which was about 26 kms from Satara.
Kaas Valley of Flowers |
Thoseghar Waterfalls |
After visiting Kaas and
Thoseghar, my plans were to visit the Mayani Bird Sanctuary, which is located
approximately 80 kms away from Satara. Even though I searched extensively on
the net for the latest status about Mayani Bird Sanctuary, there wasn’t too
much information available about the Sanctuary. Therefore I made up my mind to find
out in person about the sanctuary’s status.
Mayani, Here I come!
The day of the visit started on
an auspicious note, with the sighting of stars. Not the celestial ones, but ‘film-stars’
from the Tamil film industry. The film unit was shooting for their movie at a
location in Satara and some of the actors were put up in the same hotel as mine.
As I wanted to reach the sanctuary early in the morning, I did not seek an
audience or a photo-opportunity with the stars and set out for the sanctuary.
The drive to Mayani bird
sanctuary started just after 6.30 am. If the roads were good I estimated that
we would reach the Sanctuary in less than 2 hours.
Since the monsoons had just
ended, the landscape was green all along the way. We drove past fog-covered
farmlands, sunflower fields and hills that appeared to be covered with green
carpets. The good roads and beautifully green scenery made the drive a very
pleasant experience. We reached the sanctuary gates in approximately 1.45
Fog-covered Fields |
Scenic and Green |
Sunflower fields |
Road to Mayani |
The Destination |
As I faced the sanctuary gates my
heart sank. The entrance to the sanctuary was in such a bad shape, I felt that I
might be in for a major disappointment. One of the gates was unhinged and the
pathway appeared to be all dug up. I feared that the sanctuary may have been shut
down. However, on inquiring I was informed that the sanctuary was open. I
heaved a big sigh of relief!
Not so welcoming - Sanctuary Gates |
Open Sesame - Sanctuary Gates |
On entering the sanctuary, I
could see a lot of greenery which indicated that the sanctuary may have received
rains during the monsoon. However, apparently the rains were not sufficient
enough. Because, the core sanctuary area was dry with not even a puddle of
water to be seen. The staff at the sanctuary confirmed my fears. The rains had
been inadequate for the past few years. And with no other source of water, the
sanctuary had dried up.
Pleasantly Green |
Unpleasantly Dry - Sanctuary area |
Not a drop in sight |
As I continued my walk into the
Sanctuary, my bird sightings started with a purple sunbird sitting on the
branches of a tree. After the sunbird came a Long-tailed shrike and then a Red-vented
bulbul. Since I was new to birding, each and every sighting was welcome even if
it was of a bird commonly sighted.
Understandably I was the only
visitor in the Sanctuary!
Sunbird |
I walked further and came across an Indian Robin, then a Common Iora followed by some Great tits. These birds
were some distance away and I had to be content with distant record shots. This
was followed by a bird that I have not been able to identify as yet. The bird
was far away and therefore my Nikon 70-300mm could not capture the finer
details of the bird. On such occasions one wishes for a longer tele-zoom lens. Invariably,
such frustrating experiences push an amateur photographer to invest in longer
tele-zoom lenses.
Far, far away - Clockwise from Top-left: Great Tit, Indian Robin, Common Iora |
The fence-sitter - Indian Robin |
Beyond my grasp - Unidentified Bird |
A short distance ahead, I saw a
Brahminy Starling, an Indian Robin (female) and an Ashy-crowned sparrow-lark a.k.a.
Ashy-crowned finch-lark a.k.a. Black-bellied finch-lark. This was my first-ever
sighting of the finch-lark and it was a huge task to get even a record shot of
the bird. The bird was slightly bigger than a sparrow and it’s colour matched
the colour of the ground making it difficult for the camera to detect and capture
it. All the birds were busy foraging for food, seeds, insects etc. and did not
pay much attention to my presence, which suited me just fine.
Clockwise from Top-left: Ashy-crowned Sparrow-lark, Brahminy Starling, Unidentified bird and Indian Robin (female) |
Then came an Ashy Prinia perched
on top of a plant. The bird did not appear to be in a hurry to fly away. Even
though the light wasn’t ideal, I gratefully grabbed the opportunity to take
some pictures from a reasonable distance. The prinia obliged with some good
poses for a few minutes before it flew away.
All the right poses - Ashy Prinia |
Ashy Prinia |
Ashy Prinia |
Next up was a bird perched on
some dry branches. Try as I might, I simply could not get a decent shot of the
bird. The bird was so well camouflaged against the brown soil, the camera
simply refused to focus. Manual focus was the need of the hour, but alas my manual
focusing skills were not upto par. I could not capture the details of the bird
and therefore could not identify the bird.
Lesson learnt: Learn to use Manual
Mode on the camera.
Camouflaged and Unidentified |
During frustrating times such as
this, one misses the presence and expertise of an experienced guide who can conjure
up birds out of nowhere and then help you with the identification as well.
Next I saw a Pipit sitting on the
ground and further up was a group of plum-headed parakeets sitting on the dry
branches of a tree. The parakeets were colourful with plum-coloured heads (grey
in case of females), red beaks (yellow in case of females) and yellowish-green bodies. Parakeets
are some of the more active and noisier inhabitants of forests and sanctuaries.
These parakeets made their presence known with loud squawks.
Loud and Colourful characters - Plum-headed Parakeets |
As I scanned the dry sanctuary, I
tried to visualize how it must have appeared during happier days, with abundant
water and birds in their plenty. The watch-towers were mute witnesses to the
sad decline in the fortunes of the sanctuary.
Mute witnesses to the dry spell - Watch-tower |
Silent witnesses to the dry spell - Watch-tower |
Moving on, it was the turn of the
pigeons. First came a Common Rock Pigeon followed by a pair of Laughing doves. The
laughing doves were foraging for food on the ground and were wary of my
presence. As I tried to slowly inch towards them they decided that they’d had
enough of me and flew away. A few steps further, on one side of the bank I saw
a couple of Long-tailed Shrikes and on the other side was a lone common Myna.
The birds flew away as soon as I set my sight on them. My attempts at being
unintrusive and unobtrusive did not appear to impress the birds much!
Clockwise from Top-left: Unidentfied bird, Laughing Dove, Rock Pigeon & Common Myna |
Laughing Dove |
Long-tailed Shrike |
Long-tailed Shrike |
Then my most photographed bird of
the day made it’s appearance!
The bird was a Red-vented Bulbul,
a commonly sighted bird. This particular bird was so busy preening and primping
itself, that it did not mind my intrusion at all. The bird was very particular
about it’s cleanliness and appearance as it cleaned it’s feathers patiently and
meticulously. I clicked atleast a hundred pictures of the bird, sometimes with
it’s wings spread and at other times with it’s tail feathers spread out. It was
my intention to improve my photography skills and try to get sharp pictures of
the bird, especially it’s eyes. It was a difficult task as the bird did not
stay still even for a second. After 10-15 minutes I had my fill and moved on.
Not camera shy at all - Red-vented Bulbul |
Red-vented Bulbul |
As I climbed down the bank, I
came across some weaver bird nests’. These nests are a wonder of nature and
stand testament to the exquisite nest-building skills of the Weaver-birds. And
sure enough, there was a Baya weaver (male) applying some final touches to it’s
nest. I spent some time admiring these wonderful creations.
Wonders of Nature - Weaver bird nests |
The Master Weaver - Baya weaver (Male) |
It was getting hotter and I
decided to make my way back to the sanctuary gates. On the way, I spotted a
Rose-ringed parakeet sitting on a tree all by itself. I guessed it must be
lonely because it was pretty quiet and against it’s nature, did not squawk at
Mr. Lonely and Silent - Rose-ringed Parakeet |
I came across some more Baya
weaver nests before I heard a loud buzzing sound. As I looked around for the source
of the buzzing sound, I saw a Green Bee-eater with a dragon-fly caught in it’s
beak. The buzzing sound came from the dragon-fly as it tried to escape. However
the Green Bee-eater did not let go of it’s prey and within no time killed the
dragon-fly and swallowed it. Breakfast had been served and consumed in an
Clockwise from Top-left: Unidentified bird, Baya Weaver, Green Bee-eater, Great Tit |
Breakfast served and swallowed - Green Bee-eater |
As I exited the gates, I looked
back at the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary definitely need a facelift. Hopefully in
the years to follow, the area would be blessed with good rains and the sanctuary
would recover.
Waiting for the rains |
It was time to get back to Satara
and then further onto Mumbai. It was with mixed feelings that I bid adieu to
Mayani Bird Sanctuary.
Country roads, Take me home |
Star presence - Film-unit at location shoot |
An Excavator in the Sanctuary |
In our country, forest lands are shrinking at an
alarming rate. Forests are being converted into farms and industrial land to meet the ever-growing
demands of the rapidly growing population. In such a grave scenario,
Sanctuaries and National parks are our last line of defence against complete
But the sanctuaries and national parks are at
the mercy of Nature’s vagaries (read rains) for their survival. When the rains
fail, these sanctuaries die a slow death. However, the dry sanctuaries and
their resources need to be protected.
The sight of an earth excavator in the sanctuary
was an unpleasant sight indeed. Hopefully the sanctuary would not be stripped
of it’s valuable resources, thereby causing irreversible damage to the
It is our collective responsibility, to make every
effort possible to maintain and revive these sanctuaries. It should be our collective
endeavour to conserve the environment. We owe it to the future generations.
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